Case2-Kecheng (Suzhou) Technology

Phase 1: Kecheng, Kesheng, Keli subsidiaries

  1. A. Centralized management of OS/AP;
  2. . Disaster recovery must be within 1 min. of occurrence (of system mis-operation, virus invasion, etc.);
  3. . Data transport control at the low-level security management  of ports-- centrally managed data (to avoid loss or leak of confidential data);
  4. Windows-based simple and agile configuration and deployment of system;
  5. Effective management of AP license utilization, to maximize cost-performance ratio;
  6. Effective and significant cost reduction for client PC/NB maintenance; and
  7. Support of easy switchover between heterogeneous platforms.

Phase 2: Suqian Branch, Jiangsu

Standardized, flow-oriented, modularized and uniform management to centrally manage at the Suzhou Headquarter and remotely dispatch virtual client platform software (OS & AP) to be used at branches.